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Loli Feature Flags is a very feature rich feature flagging toolkit that can easily compete with paid feature flag systems that are available on the market.

Based on how Loli Feature Flags is built – that you own the specification – some features can not be supported natively (like auditing/"Who changed what?"). But such features can be easily implemented with a tiny bit of effort from your side.

Fully supported features

The following features are natively supported:

  • Targeting
  • Kill switch
  • Gradual rollouts
  • Scheduled rollouts
  • A/B testing/experimentation
  • Segments
  • Emergency mode
  • Client-side evaluation
  • Serverless compatibility
  • Distributed systems compatibility
  • Typesafe evaluation context/user properties
  • String user properties
  • Number user properties
  • Boolean user properties
  • Array user properties

Implicitly Supported Features

The following features can be enabled with some effort on your end:

  • Environments
  • Auditing

Unsupported Features

The following features are not (yet) supported:

  • Feature flag preconditions

Released under the MIT Licensed